2025 price list

under 3's

All day - £65

AM/PM - £32.50

School day - £55

Additional costs

Lunch - £4.50

Tea - £3.50

Additional hourly rate £6.50

Over 3's

All day - £60

AM/PM - £30

School day - £55

Additional costs

Lunch - £4.50

Tea - £3.50

Additional hourly rate £6.00

Service charges apply for funded hours.

  10% discount for siblings.

5% discount for full time.

Funded places for

2,3&4 year olds.

Monday - 8-5.50

Tuesday - 8-5.50

Wednesday - 8-5.50

Thursday - 8-5.50

Friday - 8-5.00 

We are able to offer 7.30am starts

If you require any different hours please call us to see what we can arrange.

Fees include nappies wipes and all meals.